How to Install a DRO on a Milling Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Installing a Digital Read Out (DRO) on a milling machine is a great way to improve accuracy and precision in your machining. With a DRO, you can easily measure and track the movement of your milling machine’s table, making it easier to achieve consistent results. However, installing a DRO can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to install a DRO on your milling machine.

Before you begin the installation process, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary tools and equipment. You’ll need a DRO kit, which typically includes a display unit, scales, and mounting hardware, as well as basic hand tools like wrenches, screwdrivers, and pliers. It’s also a good idea to have a helper on hand to assist with the installation, as some parts can be heavy and difficult to maneuver on your own. Once you have everything you need, you can begin the installation process.

Understanding DROs and Milling Machines

Digital Readout (DRO) is a measuring system used in milling machines to display the machine’s position accurately. It is an electronic device that displays the position of the milling machine’s table and spindle. The DRO system uses linear and rotary encoders to measure the machine’s position and display it on the screen.

The DRO system has many advantages over the traditional hand wheel system. It eliminates the need for manual calculations and reduces the risk of human error. The DRO system also saves time by allowing the operator to set the position quickly and accurately.

Milling machines are used in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and metalworking. They are used to cut and shape metal and other materials with precision. The milling machine consists of a cutting tool, a worktable, and a spindle that rotates the cutting tool. The workpiece is secured to the worktable, and the cutting tool moves along the workpiece to create the desired shape.

The DRO system is an essential tool for milling machines because it allows the operator to work with precision and accuracy. The DRO system displays the position of the cutting tool and worktable, allowing the operator to make adjustments quickly and accurately. The DRO system also allows the operator to work with multiple axes simultaneously, which is essential for complex milling operations.

In conclusion, the DRO system is an essential tool for milling machines. It allows the operator to work with precision and accuracy, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. The DRO system is an excellent investment for any milling machine operator looking to improve their efficiency and productivity.

Tools Needed for Installation

Before installing a DRO on a milling machine, it is important to gather all the necessary tools and equipment. Here are the tools needed for the installation process:

  • Screwdrivers: You will need both flathead and Phillips head screwdrivers to remove and install screws.
  • Wrenches: A set of wrenches will be necessary to loosen and tighten nuts and bolts.
  • Allen wrenches: Allen wrenches are required to adjust and secure the DRO scales and brackets.
  • Drill and drill bits: A drill is needed to make holes for mounting the brackets and scales.
  • Tap and tap handle: A tap and tap handle will be necessary to create threads in the holes for the mounting screws.
  • Level: A level is needed to ensure that the DRO scales are properly aligned.
  • Measuring tape: You will need a measuring tape to measure the distance between the scales and the milling machine table.
  • Pencil and paper: It is important to take notes and make measurements during the installation process.

It is important to note that some DRO kits may come with the necessary tools and equipment. However, it is always a good idea to check the kit contents before starting the installation process.

Purchasing the Correct DRO

When it comes to purchasing a DRO for your milling machine, there are several factors to consider. It is essential to choose the right one to ensure that it meets your requirements and fits your budget.

The following are some of the factors to consider when purchasing a DRO:

Type of DRO

There are two main types of DROs: glass scale and magnetic scale. Glass scale DROs are more accurate and reliable, but they are also more expensive. Magnetic scale DROs are less expensive and more durable, but they are not as accurate as glass scale DROs. Consider your budget and the required accuracy level when choosing between the two.

Number of Axes

The number of axes required depends on the type of milling machine and the complexity of the work you will be doing. A 2-axis DRO is suitable for a simple milling machine, while a 3-axis or 4-axis DRO is required for a more complex machine. Ensure that you choose a DRO with the correct number of axes for your milling machine.

Display Size

The display size is an essential factor to consider. A larger display is easier to read and provides more information, but it also comes at a higher cost. Consider the size of your milling machine and the distance between the operator and the DRO display when choosing the display size.

Brand and Price

Choose a reputable brand that offers a warranty and good customer support. It is also essential to consider the price and ensure that it fits your budget. Some of the popular DRO brands include Mitutoyo, Newall, and Acu-Rite.

In conclusion, purchasing the correct DRO requires careful consideration of several factors, including the type of DRO, the number of axes, the display size, and the brand and price. By taking these factors into account, you can choose a DRO that meets your requirements and fits your budget.

Safety Precautions

When installing a DRO on a milling machine, it is crucial to observe safety precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

1. Turn off the Power

Before installing the DRO, make sure to turn off the power to the milling machine. This will prevent any accidental movement of the spindle or table, which could cause serious injuries.

2. Wear Protective Gear

Always wear protective gear when working with a milling machine. This includes safety glasses, gloves, and ear protection. The milling process can create a lot of noise and debris, which can be harmful to your eyes, ears, and hands.

3. Use Proper Lifting Techniques

DROs can be heavy and difficult to maneuver. When lifting and carrying the DRO, use proper lifting techniques to avoid straining your back or other muscles. Get help from another person if necessary.

4. Secure the Machine

Make sure the milling machine is securely mounted to the workbench or floor before installing the DRO. This will prevent the machine from tipping over or moving while you are working on it.

5. Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing the DRO. This will ensure that the installation is done correctly and safely. If you are unsure about any aspect of the installation, contact the manufacturer for assistance.

By observing these safety precautions, you can minimize the risk of accidents and injuries when installing a DRO on a milling machine.

Pre-Installation Steps

Cleaning the Milling Machine

Before beginning the installation process, it is important to thoroughly clean the milling machine. This will ensure that there is no debris or dirt that can interfere with the installation process or damage the DRO kit. The following steps should be followed to clean the milling machine:

  • Remove any chips or debris from the milling machine using a brush or vacuum.
  • Wipe down the milling machine with a clean rag to remove any remaining debris or dirt.
  • Inspect the milling machine for any signs of damage or wear that may need to be addressed before installing the DRO kit.

Inspecting the DRO Kit

Before beginning the installation process, it is important to inspect the DRO kit to ensure that all necessary components are present and in good condition. The following steps should be followed to inspect the DRO kit:

  • Verify that all components are present and accounted for, including the display unit, scales, mounting brackets, and hardware.
  • Inspect the components for any signs of damage or wear that may need to be addressed before installation.
  • Verify that the DRO kit is compatible with the milling machine and that all necessary adapters or brackets are included.

By following these pre-installation steps, the installation process will be smoother and more efficient. It is important to take the time to properly prepare the milling machine and DRO kit to ensure a successful installation.

Installation Process

Mounting the DRO

The first step in installing a DRO on a milling machine is to mount the DRO display unit in a convenient location. This is typically done using a mounting bracket that attaches to the machine’s frame or an adjacent surface. The bracket should be positioned so that the display is easily visible to the operator and does not interfere with the machine’s operation.

Next, mount the linear scales on the machine’s axes. These scales are usually attached to the machine’s table or spindle using brackets or clamps. It is important to ensure that the scales are securely mounted and aligned properly with the machine’s movements. This will ensure accurate readings from the DRO.

Connecting the DRO

Once the DRO display unit and linear scales are mounted, the next step is to connect them. This is typically done using cables that run from the scales to the display unit. The cables should be routed in a way that does not interfere with the machine’s movements and are protected from damage.

The cables should be connected to the appropriate ports on the display unit and scales. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure that the connections are made correctly.

Calibrating the DRO

After the DRO is mounted and connected, it must be calibrated to ensure accurate readings. This is typically done using a calibration routine built into the DRO software.

The calibration routine will guide the operator through a series of steps to measure the machine’s movements and adjust the DRO accordingly. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and make any necessary adjustments to ensure accurate readings.

Once the calibration is complete, the DRO should be ready to use. It is important to periodically check the DRO’s accuracy and recalibrate if necessary to ensure consistent and accurate readings.

Post-Installation Checks

After installing a DRO on a milling machine, it is important to perform a few post-installation checks to ensure that everything is working correctly. Here are some things to check:

  • Accuracy: Test the accuracy of the DRO by using a dial indicator to measure the distance traveled by the table or spindle. Make sure that the readings on the DRO match the measurements taken with the dial indicator.
  • Functionality: Test all of the functions of the DRO, including the axis display, the absolute/incremental mode, and any special features such as bolt-hole patterns or tool offsets.
  • Calibration: Calibrate the DRO by setting the zero point for each axis. This can be done by moving the table or spindle to a known position and setting that as the zero point.
  • Cabling: Check all of the cabling and connections to make sure that they are secure and properly routed. Loose or damaged cables can cause errors or malfunctions in the DRO.
  • Power: Verify that the DRO is receiving power and that all of the components are functioning correctly. Check the power supply, batteries (if applicable), and any other power-related components.

Performing these post-installation checks will help ensure that the DRO is working properly and accurately. If any issues are found, they should be addressed promptly to avoid any further problems.

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance of a DRO system is essential to ensure its longevity and accurate performance. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep the system clean: Dust and debris can accumulate on the system’s scales and cause inaccuracies. It’s important to clean the scales and read heads regularly with a soft cloth or brush.
  • Check for loose connections: Over time, the system’s cables and connectors can become loose. It’s important to check them periodically and tighten any that are loose.
  • Lubricate moving parts: The system’s moving parts, such as the read heads and mounting brackets, should be lubricated periodically to ensure smooth operation.
  • Check for damage: Inspect the system’s components regularly for any signs of damage, such as cracks or chips. If any damage is found, the affected parts should be replaced immediately.
  • Calibrate the system: The DRO system should be calibrated periodically to ensure accurate readings. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended calibration procedure.

By following these maintenance tips, users can ensure that their DRO system remains accurate and reliable for years to come.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Installing a DRO on a milling machine can be a complex process, and it’s not uncommon for issues to arise during or after installation. Here are some common issues that may occur and how to troubleshoot them.

Display Not Turning On

If the display doesn’t turn on when the machine is powered up, there may be a problem with the power supply. Check to make sure the power supply is properly connected and that the voltage is correct. If the power supply is functioning properly, there may be an issue with the display itself. Check the connections between the display and the rest of the system to make sure they are secure.

Inaccurate Readings

If the readings on the DRO are inaccurate, there may be a problem with the scale. Check to make sure the scale is properly installed and aligned. If the scale is installed correctly, there may be an issue with the encoder or the DRO itself. Check the connections between the encoder and the DRO to make sure they are secure.

Display Freezing or Not Responding

If the display freezes or stops responding, there may be a problem with the software or firmware. Try resetting the system by turning it off and on again. If the problem persists, check for any updates or patches that may be available. If the issue still can’t be resolved, contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Noisy Readings

If the readings on the DRO are noisy or fluctuate, there may be a problem with the scale or encoder. Check to make sure the scale is properly installed and aligned. If the scale is installed correctly, there may be an issue with the encoder or the DRO itself. Check the connections between the encoder and the DRO to make sure they are secure.


Installing a DRO on a milling machine can be a great way to increase accuracy and efficiency, but it’s important to be prepared for potential issues. By troubleshooting common issues, users can ensure that their DRO is functioning properly and providing accurate readings.


In conclusion, installing a DRO on a milling machine can greatly improve accuracy and efficiency in machining operations. It requires careful planning and execution, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

By following the steps outlined in this article, one can successfully install a DRO on their milling machine. It is important to ensure that all components are properly installed and calibrated for accurate readings.

When selecting a DRO system, it is important to consider factors such as display size, resolution, and functionality. It is also recommended to purchase from a reputable supplier and to seek guidance from experienced professionals.

Overall, a DRO can make a significant difference in the precision and productivity of milling operations. With proper installation and use, it can help achieve consistent and high-quality results.

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