How to cut 60 degree angle on table saw: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cutting a 60-degree angle on a table saw can be a challenging task for many woodworkers. However, it is a crucial skill to have, especially when working on projects that require precise angles. A 60-degree angle is commonly used in woodworking for creating hexagons and other geometric shapes.

To cut a 60-degree angle on a table saw, woodworkers need to have a good understanding of the saw’s features and how to adjust them. They also need to have the right tools and safety equipment to ensure a successful and safe cut. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to cut a 60-degree angle on a table saw, including tips and tricks to make the process easier and more efficient.

By following these instructions, woodworkers of all skill levels can master the technique of cutting a 60-degree angle on a table saw. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced woodworker, this article will provide valuable information to help you achieve accurate and precise cuts.

Safety Precautions

When using a table saw to cut a 60 degree angle, it is important to take the necessary safety precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some safety measures to keep in mind:

  • Always wear appropriate safety gear, including eye protection, hearing protection, and a dust mask.
  • Make sure the blade is properly aligned and tightened before making any cuts.
  • Keep your hands and fingers away from the blade at all times. Use push sticks or a push block to guide the wood through the saw.
  • Never remove the guard or anti-kickback device from the saw. These safety features are designed to prevent accidents and should always be in place.
  • Use a miter gauge or sled to ensure accurate cuts and prevent the wood from slipping or moving during the cut.
  • Keep the work area clean and free of debris to prevent tripping hazards or interference with the saw’s operation.
  • Always turn off the saw and unplug it before making any adjustments or changing the blade.

By following these safety precautions, you can minimize the risk of accidents and injuries while using a table saw to cut a 60 degree angle.

Tools Required

To cut a 60-degree angle on a table saw, you will need a few essential tools. Here are the tools required to make a precise and accurate cut:

1. Table Saw

A table saw is the primary tool required to make a 60-degree angle cut. It is a versatile tool that can make different types of cuts with ease. A table saw is a powerful tool that needs to be handled with care. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when using a table saw.

2. Miter Gauge

A miter gauge is a tool that helps in making precise cuts at different angles. It is an essential tool for making angled cuts on a table saw. A miter gauge is a metal bar that slides into the groove on the table saw. It has a protractor that helps in measuring the angle of the cut.

3. Saw Blade

A saw blade is an essential part of a table saw. It is responsible for cutting the material. A 60-degree angle cut requires a specific type of saw blade. A blade with a high tooth count is recommended for making a precise cut.

4. Safety Equipment

Safety equipment is essential when using a table saw. Safety glasses, earplugs, and a dust mask are essential to protect the eyes, ears, and lungs from dust and debris. A push stick or push block is also recommended to keep your hands away from the blade.

By having the right tools, you can make a precise and accurate 60-degree angle cut on a table saw. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when using a table saw.

Setting Up the Table Saw

Before cutting a 60-degree angle on a table saw, it’s important to properly set up the saw. Here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Adjust the Blade Height: Ensure that the blade is set to the correct height. The blade should be just above the material being cut, but not so high that it poses a safety risk.
  2. Adjust the Angle: Set the angle of the blade to 30 degrees. This will allow you to make a 60-degree angle cut by tilting the material at a 30-degree angle.
  3. Use a Miter Gauge: A miter gauge is a device that helps guide the material being cut at a specific angle. Make sure the miter gauge is securely attached to the saw and is set to the correct angle.
  4. Use a Fence: A fence is a guide that helps keep the material being cut straight. Adjust the fence so that it is parallel to the blade and is at the correct distance from the blade for the material being cut.

By following these steps and taking the time to properly set up the saw, you will be able to make an accurate and safe 60-degree angle cut on a table saw.

Measuring the Angle

To cut a 60 degree angle on a table saw, the first step is to measure the angle accurately. Measuring the angle is crucial to ensure that the cut is precise and accurate.

There are several ways to measure the angle, but the most common method is by using a protractor. A protractor is a tool that measures angles in degrees. It is a simple tool that consists of a half-circle with degree markings from 0 to 180.

To measure the angle, place the protractor on the saw blade and align the base of the protractor with the saw table. Then, adjust the blade angle until the pointer on the protractor reads 60 degrees. Once the angle is set, lock the blade in place.

Another way to measure the angle is by using a digital angle gauge. A digital angle gauge is a tool that measures angles with high accuracy. It is easy to use and provides precise measurements.

To measure the angle with a digital angle gauge, place the gauge on the saw blade and turn on the device. The gauge will display the angle of the blade in degrees. Adjust the blade angle until the gauge reads 60 degrees. Once the angle is set, lock the blade in place.

It is important to note that the accuracy of the measurement will affect the accuracy of the cut. Therefore, it is recommended to double-check the angle measurement before making the cut.

Cutting the 60 Degree Angle

Marking the Wood

Before cutting the 60-degree angle on a table saw, it is essential to mark the wood accurately. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Take the piece of wood and mark a line across its width using a pencil.
  2. At one end of the line, mark a point that is 1/3 of the length of the line.
  3. At the other end of the line, mark a point that is 2/3 of the length of the line.
  4. Draw a line from each of the two points to the opposite end of the wood.

Positioning the Wood

After marking the wood, it’s time to position it correctly on the table saw. Follow the steps below:

  1. Adjust the blade of the table saw to a 60-degree angle.
  2. Place the wood on the table saw, with one of the lines facing upwards.
  3. Adjust the fence of the table saw so that the blade will cut along the line on the wood.

Executing the Cut

With the wood in position, it’s time to make the cut. Follow the steps below:

  1. Turn on the table saw and wait for the blade to reach full speed.
  2. Slowly push the wood through the blade, making sure to keep it against the fence.
  3. Once the cut is complete, turn off the table saw and remove the wood.

By following these steps, it is possible to cut a 60-degree angle on a table saw with ease and accuracy.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Cutting a 60-degree angle on a table saw can be challenging, even for experienced woodworkers. Here are some common issues that may arise and how to troubleshoot them:

Uneven Cuts

If the angle you cut is uneven, it may be due to a few factors. First, make sure the blade is sharp and properly aligned. Dull blades or blades that are not aligned can cause uneven cuts. Also, check the fence on the table saw to ensure it is square and aligned with the blade. If the fence is not aligned, it can cause the wood to move and result in an uneven cut.

Burn Marks

Burn marks can occur when the blade is not sharp or when the wood is pushed too slowly through the blade. To avoid burn marks, make sure the blade is sharp and the wood is pushed through the blade at a steady pace. You can also use a lubricant on the blade to help reduce friction and prevent burn marks.


Tear-out can occur when the wood fibers are torn away from the wood instead of being cut cleanly. To avoid tear-out, use a sharp blade and make sure the wood is properly supported and held firmly in place. You can also use a backer board to help prevent tear-out.

Safety Concerns

When using a table saw, safety should always be a top priority. Make sure to wear safety goggles and ear protection, and keep loose clothing and long hair away from the blade. Also, use a push stick or push block to keep your hands a safe distance from the blade while cutting.

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In conclusion, cutting a 60 degree angle on a table saw is a simple process that requires precision and patience. By following the steps outlined in this article, anyone can achieve accurate and clean cuts with ease.

It is important to remember to always prioritize safety when working with power tools. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses and earplugs, and keep your workspace clean and organized to avoid accidents.

Additionally, it is recommended to practice on scrap pieces of wood before attempting to cut your final project. This will allow you to adjust your technique and ensure that you are comfortable with the process before making any irreversible cuts.

Overall, cutting a 60 degree angle on a table saw is a useful skill to have for any woodworking project. With practice and attention to detail, anyone can master this technique and create beautiful and precise cuts.

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