How to Cut Brick with a Circular Saw: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cutting bricks with a circular saw is a task that requires precision and safety. Whether you are a professional mason or a DIY enthusiast, knowing how to cut bricks with a circular saw is an essential skill that can save you time and effort. This step-by-step guide will provide you with all the information you need to cut bricks with a circular saw safely and efficiently.

Before getting started, it is important to ensure that you have the right tools and equipment. You will need a circular saw with a diamond blade, safety glasses, earplugs, a dust mask, and a brick chisel. Once you have gathered all the necessary tools, it is important to take the time to prepare the work area. This includes clearing any debris and ensuring that the work surface is stable and level. With the right tools and preparation, you can confidently begin cutting bricks with a circular saw.

Safety First

When cutting bricks, safety should always come first. Here are some important safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Wear safety glasses or protective goggles to prevent flying debris from getting into your eyes.
  • Use gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges and cuts.
  • Wear a dust mask to avoid inhaling dust and debris.
  • Make sure you are wearing appropriate safety gear, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants, to protect your skin from dust and debris.

It is important to take the necessary safety precautions to avoid accidents and injuries when cutting bricks with a circular saw. By following these safety guidelines, you can ensure that your cutting process is safe and efficient.

Tools Required

Cutting brick with a circular saw requires a few essential tools to ensure a successful and safe project. Here are the tools required:

Circular Saw

A circular saw is an essential tool for cutting brick. It is recommended to use a saw with a carbide-tipped blade or a masonry blade. A diamond blade can also be used, but it is more expensive.

Diamond Blade or Masonry Blade

A diamond blade or masonry blade is required to cut through the brick. These blades are designed to handle the hardness of the brick and provide a smooth cut.

Hammer and Cold Chisel

A hammer and cold chisel are used to score the brick before cutting it with a circular saw. This helps to prevent the brick from cracking or breaking during the cutting process.


A pencil is used to mark the brick where it needs to be cut. It is important to mark the brick accurately to ensure a precise cut.


A vice is used to hold the brick in place while it is being cut. This helps to prevent the brick from moving and causing an uneven cut.

Tape Measure

A tape measure is required to measure the length and width of the brick. This helps to ensure that the brick is cut to the correct size.


A wrench is required to tighten the blade on the circular saw. It is important to ensure that the blade is securely tightened to prevent it from coming loose during the cutting process.

Rubber Mallet

A rubber mallet is used to tap the brick into place after it has been cut. This helps to ensure that the brick is level and flush with the surrounding bricks.

Chalk and Chalk Line

Chalk and a chalk line are used to mark a straight line on the brick. This helps to ensure that the cut is straight and precise.

Trowel and Brick Set

A trowel and brick set are used to remove any excess mortar from the brick after it has been cut. This helps to ensure that the brick fits properly into the wall.


Before cutting bricks with a circular saw, it is important to prepare properly to ensure a clean and precise cut. The following steps should be taken to prepare for cutting bricks:

  1. Choose the right type of circular saw blade: A diamond or masonry blade is recommended for cutting bricks. These blades are designed to cut through hard materials like bricks and will provide a clean and precise cut.
  2. Select a stable surface: The surface on which the bricks will be cut should be stable and level. A workbench or sawhorse is ideal for this purpose. Make sure the surface is clean and free of debris to prevent any interference with the cutting process.
  3. Use a guide: A guide will help ensure a straight and accurate cut. A straight edge or a piece of lumber can be used as a guide. The guide should be clamped to the surface to prevent it from moving during the cutting process.
  4. Use water: Cutting bricks generates a lot of dust, which can be harmful to your health. To prevent this, water can be used to suppress the dust. A spray bottle or a garden hose can be used to wet the bricks before cutting.
  5. Score line: Before cutting, a score line should be made on the brick to guide the saw blade. A masonry chisel or a brick hammer can be used to make a shallow groove along the line where the cut will be made.
  6. Mark the cut: The line where the cut will be made should be clearly marked on the brick. A pencil or a chalk line can be used to mark the line.

By following these preparation steps, cutting bricks with a circular saw can be done safely and efficiently.

Cutting Brick

Cutting bricks with a circular saw can be a great way to save time and effort on your next DIY project. However, it’s important to take the necessary precautions and follow the proper steps to ensure a safe and successful cut.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to use a diamond masonry blade specifically designed for cutting bricks. These blades are made with a special type of diamond grit that can handle the tough and abrasive nature of brick.

Before making any cuts, it’s important to adjust the blade depth to ensure that it is only cutting through the brick and not the surface below it. This can be done by adjusting the depth of the saw blade using the depth adjustment lever or knob on your circular saw.

Once the blade depth is set, it’s time to make the cut. Start by marking the cut line on the brick using a pencil or chalk. Then, position the brick on a stable surface and clamp it down securely to prevent it from moving during the cut.

Next, turn on the circular saw and slowly guide it along the marked cut line, making sure to keep the blade perpendicular to the surface of the brick. It’s important to use a steady and consistent pressure to ensure a clean and straight cut.

If you encounter any areas that are difficult to cut through, you can use a hammer and chisel to break away the excess material. However, be sure to use caution and wear protective gear when using a hammer and chisel.

In summary, cutting bricks with a circular saw can be a simple and efficient way to tackle your next DIY project. Just be sure to use the proper equipment, take the necessary safety precautions, and follow the proper steps for a successful cut.

Making Special Cuts

Cutting bricks with a circular saw is not limited to straight cuts only. With the right blade and technique, you can make a variety of special cuts to fit your specific needs.

Curved Cuts

To make a curved cut, you will need to use a diamond blade with a small diameter. Start by marking the curve on the brick with a pencil or chalk. Then, adjust the depth of the blade to the thickness of the brick and make a series of shallow cuts along the curve. Use a chisel and hammer to remove the excess material until you achieve the desired curve.

Angled Cuts

Angled cuts are useful when you need to fit bricks together at an angle, such as for a corner or a decorative pattern. To make an angled cut, adjust the saw blade to the desired angle and depth. Then, make the cut in the same way as a straight cut.

Notched Cuts

Notched cuts are used to fit bricks around obstacles such as pipes or electrical boxes. To make a notched cut, mark the shape of the obstacle on the brick and use the saw to make a series of cuts along the outline. Then, use a chisel and hammer to remove the excess material and fit the brick around the obstacle.

With these special cutting techniques, you can achieve precise and custom cuts for any brick project.

Finishing and Clean Up

Once the cutting is complete, it’s time to finish and clean up the brick. This step is crucial to ensure that the cut edges are smooth and free of any jagged or rough edges. Here are some steps to follow for finishing and clean up:

  1. Inspect the Cut Edges: After cutting the brick, inspect the edges to ensure they are smooth and free of any jagged or rough edges. If there are any rough edges, use a masonry grinding wheel to smooth them out.
  2. Clean the Brick: Once the edges are smooth, it’s time to clean the brick. Use a stiff-bristled brush to remove any dust or debris from the surface of the brick. This will help ensure that the brick is ready for use.
  3. Finish the Edges: If the edges of the brick are going to be visible, it’s important to finish them properly. Use a masonry sealer or paint to finish the edges and protect them from the elements.
  4. Dispose of Waste: Finally, dispose of any waste material properly. Brick dust and debris can be harmful if inhaled, so it’s important to wear a dust mask and dispose of the waste in a sealed container.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your cut brick is clean, smooth, and ready for use. Remember to take the time to finish and clean up properly to ensure that the end result is a high-quality, professional-looking project.


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